Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

From Where The Origins of Gypsy?

Kaum Gypsy selalu mendapat stigma negatif di dunia barat. Kehidupan mereka yang nomaden, kedekatan dengan ilmu sihir, beberapa tradisi yang aneh - misalnya ada anggapan bahwa seorang gypsy diperbolehkan mencuri dari orang kaya - jadi sumber kebencian bagi banyak pemerintahan. 

Misalnya saja Prancis terkenal paling getol mengusir keberadaan kaum gypsy. Pada tahun 2010 silam Pemerintah Prancis menghancurkan 51 kamp ilegal Gypsy. Mereka semua diusir karena dipandang sebagai "aib" oleh pejabat Uni Eropa.

Gypsy (or Gypsies, Gypsies, Gypsies, Gitanos, Zigeuner, Tsigani, Cigány) is a term that menjuk on People Rom (plural roma), which means "man" in their language, is the term used by most people to call themselves Rom. Some Romani-speaking group known as other names, such as the Sinti.

Romas are still regarded as a nomadic group, despite the fact that they are now living in a permanent home. Spread the Rom so widely not only in the South and East of Europe, but also in the Americas and the Middle East.

Language, culture, and the ancestors of the Romans may be traced to northern India about 1,000 years ago. Their language, other than a few words added to the later period, no doubt originated in India. The reason they left India less clear. Some experts believe that their ancestors could be the craftsmen and entertainers are joining forces soldier who left his homeland after military conflicts. Whatever the reason, the Romans arrived in Europe before the year 1300 AD by Persian and Turkish.

Study of the researchers on the leading gypsy origins of their ancestors in India continues to be done in order to find authentic evidence. Recent findings by the Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) produce scientific data that indeed the gypsy from India.

"We have compared the data phylogeographical worldwide for haplotype India H1a1a with Rome and concluded that it originated from indigenous populations in parts of Northwest India. They traditionally called Doma and also known as Dalits the most likely ancestor of modern European Roma, "said Kumarasamy Thangaraj of CCMB.

Rom people are the majority ethnic group concentrated in Europe, especially Central and Eastern Europe. It is believed, they had migrated from Northwestern India around 1,000 years ago.
Why do they choose to live in a caravan?
As they relate to cultural as Gypsy nomads make people choose to live in a caravan. They never settling long in one place. This habit is so easy when moving. Usually at least one camper can accommodate 4 to 5 people. Although lately, not everyone Gypsy definitely live in a caravan. Already many are living sedentary.

Gypsy magic
Many legends and myths about the world of magic on the Gypsy. It is believed that the development of witches in mainland Europe (Witchcraft, witch) in relation to the trust of the Gypsies

Some people are born Gypsy Shuvani - witch tinggi.Shuvani level stronger than the other Gypsy. Examples of the power of a Shuvani example:

Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals.

Potion Making: Ability to mix magic potions.
Scrying: The ability to locate a person or object using a crystal ball

Divination (forecast): The ability to predict the future. Gypsy has a very strong relationship to predict in many ways. Tarot cards and divination trustworthy hands growing rapidly because of them.

Mediumship: The ability to see spirits of the dead. Gypsy people call appearance as "Mulo", which is seen as a sign or warning.

Alepotrypa cave caves Hell Hades

Cave Alepotrypa which means "fox hole" is believed to be the usual cave called Hades in ancient Greek stories. The caves were discovered in the country of Greece is expected to be the site of the Neolithic Village or New Stone Age, which began in Greece about 9,000 years ago.

Naming Alepotrypa itself comes from the legend that says that in a nearby village, a man was hunting foxes with dogs, and the dog goes into the hole, and the man then followed the dog and eventually found the cave. But the story may be very vague, depending on who you ask in the village, they said that the cave was discovered by their grandfather.

A prehistoric cathedral

After the discovery of the cave, Greek officials initially saw the cave as a potential tourist attraction. However, when archeologists realized the secret history contained in them, they were leading the effort to ensure that tourism does not damage sites carelessly.

The main room of the cave has a height of about 60 meters and a width of about 100 meters. Overall, the length of the cave is almost reaching 1000 meters. If you ever watched the movie "The Lord of the Rings", I might remind you that the mines of Moria.

Excavations have been ongoing since 1970 in Alepotrypa have found some tools, pottery, obsidian and even silver and copper artifacts. Troglodyte caves seem to use not only as a refuge, but also as a cemetery and place of ritual.

You can imagine the torches, filled with people who light the fire and bury the dead, "said Galaty." It looks like a prehistoric cathedral, a pilgrimage site that attracts people from across the region and possibly from further afield .

Alepotrypa is the perfect place to block the sea trade from Africa to the eastern Mediterranean, which is right at the southern tip of Greece. The cave was suddenly no longer inhabited, when the entrance collapsed about 5,000 years ago, probably by an earthquake, thus burying the inmates alive. In a similar incident, the collapse of the cave for the last time, leaving everything he's ever had remained in place in Alepotrypa, completely buried under a layer of minerals like pearls for years.

Burial and ritual is really made cave has the ambiance of the dead. Just like Hades, complete with the River Styx, referring to the river in Greek mythology that serves as the boundary between the mortal realm and the world of the dead.

Largest Neolithic village in Europe

The survey results are now showing around the cave there are settlements outside the cave. Overall, hundreds of people may have lived at the site in its heyday, thus making it one of the largest Neolithic village and most complex in Europe.

There are still a lot of unknowns about the cave. Not yet known how deep the existing deposits in the cave. It could be, perhaps the archaeologists will find Neanderthal man down there. In a niche on the side, you find a Neanderthal artifacts at the cave, so it's hard to believe that there will be no other evidence in Alepotrypa.

cave of Hades

Giorgos Papathanassopoulos always found pottery was not from the site, but it comes from somewhere else, and I was a sort of pilgrimage site where influential people are buried. It directs a fantastic idea that the cave is the actual entrance to Hades, that's the source of interest in the Greeks with the world of the dead

Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Opening in 2012

2012 is not over, but we can highlight some discoveries that are worthy of the Guinness World Records.
Let us remember, and learn something, what discoveries have been made. giant crocodile, record-breaking

Giant crocodile Lolong reaches a length of 6.17 meters. He lives in captivity and is officially the huge crocodile, as announced by the Guinness World Records in July. news of this reptile was one of the 10 most popular news of this year, according to the edition of National Geographic.

After the crocodile attack against the people and the murder of two people, a giant was caught in the Philippines in September 2011 and placed in the nursery. Guinness World Records lists are based on data provided by the experts. In this case, a zoologist Adam Britton measured the beast in its new home, the eco-park and research center Bunavan.

9) Sugar in Space

Not long ago, astronomers made the "sweet discovery": the simplest sugar molecules floating in the gas around stars located 400 light-years away, which suggests that other planets can support life.

The search for extraterrestrial life continues the August opening of this, of course, does not prove that extraterrestrial life does exist elsewhere in the universe. But it greatly increases the chances that once we learn about the real existence of extraterrestrials.

Molecules of carbon-rich are the building blocks of life forms. It now appears that they may be present in the stellar dust even before they began to form a planet. Scientists began to use the word "sugar" to mean, in this case organic molecules known as carbohydrates, which are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

8) New planets in the solar system

According to the study, which was published in May, on the edge of the solar system, there are undiscovered planet. These planets are too far away and too dark environment so they can be easily seen with a telescope.

Rodney Gomez, an astronomer at the National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, said that the existence of these invisible planets probably because they are a little shift orbit Kuiper belt objects. These objects are small icy bodies, including dwarf planets that are located beyond the orbit of Neptune.

7) Find the God particle - a binding element of the Universe

In July, two independent teams of researchers working with the Large Hadron Collider reported that with a probability of 99 per cent discovered the Higgs boson, which is immediately dubbed "God particle."

The particles that were looking for a long time, helps to provide a complete physical model, and explain why the objects in our universe are endowed with mass. Moreover, precisely because of this bit of galaxies, planets, and even you and I have a right to exist.

6) The Lost World of Antarctica

Not yet received the official name of the Yeti crab lives about hot springs, rich in minerals, in the ocean near Antarctica. Scientists said the vast depths unknown to science have found the "lost world" of living creatures never seen before.

Special device for the robot submersible, equipped with a camera recovered in the ocean and discovered previously unknown barnacles, crabs, anemones, and even an octopus. All these creatures are almost completely devoid of color, because they live in total darkness at a depth of about 2,400 meters.

5) detected a stellar system with nine planets in the constellation of Hydra

The star is located at a distance of 127 light years from Earth, can have its orbit more planets than the Sun, making it the star system "most populous" of all known star systems.

According to the study, published in April, HD 10180 - sun-like star in the constellation Hydra South of the turning of at least 9 planets, while in our own solar system, as we know, only eight official planets.

4) New species in South America

A new species of night monkeys - one of eight new species of mammals discovered during an expedition to the northern part of Peru - National Preserve Tabakonas Namballe, the researchers reported in September.

Team of biologists from Mexico and Peru discovered new species in the period from 2009 to 2011 during his famous expedition. The fact that they were not previously known to science, has been proven in the past year.
3) New legless amphibians
These creatures are not worms and snakes, as it might seem. This burrowing ground legless amphibians that are completely new to science animals, the researchers reported in February.

Amphibian family Chikilidae live in north-east India. Scientists have already found 6 types of this brand new family.

2) Evidence that the Mayans did not predict end of the world
In the last open City Maya archaeologists found only frescoed house, these frescoes - special.

They portrayed fairly lively scene from the life of the ruler and his entourage, as well as calculations that allowed the scientists to trace the events fairly long period of time. This calendar does not end, but continues for thousands of years in advance, so this proves that the Mayans did not predict end of the world December 21, 2012.

1) Unusual Mayan temple in the jungles of Guatemala
About 1600 years ago, the Sun Temple of the Night was a blood-red beacon that could be seen from several kilometers away. He was decorated with giant masks Mayan sun god, who appears in the form of a snake, bloodsuckers or jaguar. For a long time the church was lost in the jungles of Guatemala, but in 2012 was discovered by archaeologists, who showed his true colors. This discovery allowed researchers to learn a lot about the ancient Mayan civilization.

The ancient Maya civilization

Maya lived in what is now Guatemala, Belize and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. In contrast to the relatively centralized empires of the Aztecs and Incas, the Maya civilization consisted of independent and warring city-states.

North Korea from 1979 to 1987

We present you a selection of archival photographs of one of the most closed countries in the world - the Korean People's Democratic Republic. The photos were made in the period from 1979 to 1987,by Japanese photojournalist Hiroji Kubota, a member of the Magnum agency. Despite the fact that many years have passed from the time they were done, not much has changed, in fact things probably turned to worse for the nation that had so much potential. I mean look at hos South Korea turned out.