1. Gamma-Ray Emission
Gamma-ray emission is strongest ever known in the universe. The rays radiating from the area so far, but looks is GRB 090423, reach out to the "world" us from a distance of 13 Billion light-years away!!!! from the Earth. The blast, which had recorded less than 1 second, release the energy in excess of 100 times the energy released by the Sun for 10 M
2. Supernova
Supernova is the star that exploded is often "illuminates" the whole galaxy. The brightest Supernova ever on record in history was seen in the constellation Lupus (latin for wolves) in the spring of 1006. The incredible explosion of Golden is now known as SN 1006 took place at nearly 7100 light years away, and is bright enough to cause the shadows at night, and reading at night of the day, and still look up to many months at noon
3. explosion of a Comet Shoemaker-Levy9
Comet Shoemaker-Levy9 collided spectacularly with Jupiter in 1994, the giant planet's gravity pulls the Comet and the Comet broke up to an area of 3, and they're hitting speeds of 60 km/s produces 9 collision in sight. The collision caused the largest fireballs up to 9,800 miles above the Jovian clouds and cause black spots with a diameter of 12,000 km2 (about as big as the Earth) and is expected to explode with the force of 6000 Giga tons of TNT
4. collision of Cretaceous-Tertiary
The Era of dinosaurs ended in cataclysm, have nearly 65 million yrs ago, which killed nearly half of all species on the planet, although researchers have suggested that the planet is in the verge of kehacuran environment before the Cretaceous-Tertiary collision (meteorite), where a 180 km crater at chixulub in, probably was the location of the collision.
The Era of dinosaurs ended in cataclysm, have nearly 65 million yrs ago, which killed nearly half of all species on the planet, although researchers have suggested that the planet is in the verge of kehacuran environment before the Cretaceous-Tertiary collision (meteorite), where a 180 km crater at chixulub in, probably was the location of the collision.
5. the explosion of Mount Tambora
In 1815, Mount tambora in Indonesia exploded with a force of nearly 1000 mega tons of TNT, was the most intense volcanic explosions recorded in history. Such a explosions throw 140 billion tons of magma and not just kill people on Sumbawa Island 71.000 (near Lombok) but volcanic ash causes climate anomaly Friday launched globally next year (1816), diknal as the year without a summer, snow fell in June at Albany n. Y, river ice can be found in July in Pennsylvania, and hundreds of thousands of people suffering from hunger globally
6. the Podkamennaya Tunguska River Explosion
A mysterious explosion of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River Dean in 1908, flattening an area of Siberian forest 2000km2 (nearly an acre of Tokyo). Researchers think that the explosion was a comet or asteroid disebankan by perhaps 20 m diameter and weighing 185,000 metric tons (7 times the weight of the titanic). The explosion, which generate nearly as strong as 4 mega tonnes of TNT (250 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb)
7. atomic bomb at Trinity site, Alamogordo
The first atomic bomb in history, in the explosion at Trinity site, Alamogordo, n. M in 1945, detonates with power have nearly 20kilo tons of TNT, scientists j. Robert Oppenheimer later said, when he oversaw the testing, he thought of a passage from hindu Bhagavas Gita manuscript: "I will be a death, the destroyer of worlds", nuclear weapons later ended WORLD WAR II and led to fears of nuclear destruction weapons until decades later. Scientists later discovered that the masyarakan in New Mexico might be exposed to nuclear radiation thousands of times the normal limit of which can still be tolerated by the body.
8. nuclear Chernobly, Ukraine
In 1986, a nuclear reactor exploded at the Chernobly in Ukraine, it was the worst nuclear accident in the explosion unleashes a valuable historical, rector of 2000 tonnes and deploy 400 times the Hiroshima bomb radioaktive compared levels, contaminate more than 200,000 km2, 600,000 people exposed to high doses of radiation, and more than 350,000 people had to be evacuated from the contaminated area.The first atomic bomb in history, in the explosion at Trinity site, Alamogordo, n. M in 1945, detonates with power have nearly 20kilo tons of TNT, scientists j. Robert Oppenheimer later said, when he oversaw the testing, he thought of a passage from hindu Bhagavas Gita manuscript: "I will be a death, the destroyer of worlds", nuclear weapons later ended WORLD WAR II and led to fears of nuclear destruction weapons until decades later. Scientists later discovered that the masyarakan in New Mexico might be exposed to nuclear radiation thousands of times the normal limit of which can still be tolerated by the body.
9. French cargo ship Collision
In 1917, a French cargo ship, which contains full of explosives for World War I, inadvertently collided with a Belgian-flagged ship in the port of Halifax, Canada. It also results in an explosion with an impact far greater than peladak ever made by humans before, the equivalent of a 3 kilo tons of TNT. Spread white powder up to 6,100 m above the city and cause a Tsunami with a height of 18 m, the equivalent of waves up to a radius of 2 Km around the center of the blast. It is total destruction, and claimed the lives of 2,000 and 9,000 wounded. It was the worst accident in tetao being caused by man-made explosives.
10. the boom in cargo ship SS Grandcamp
A fire at the cargo ship SS Grandcamp was being anchored in texas city in 1947 triggered a 2,300 tons of amoniu nitrate, a mixture used to fertilizer efficacious and high explosive power. The merontokan blast 2 airplanes that are being passed around and triggered a chain reaction that triggered a burst of other cargo ships also carry 1000 tons of ammonium nitrate. This disaster kills greater than 600 people and injuring 3,500 others, and is generally considered the worst in the history of industry bancana u. s.
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