Minggu, 18 November 2012

3 Theory of Apocalypse 2012

We already know the calculation of the Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012, and this could trigger a doomsday theory. Actually there is another theory which states 3 ​​in 2012 to be "crucial year" in human civilization.

Important years here would mean no end, and a new era. So it does not necessarily mean disaster. However, what is a new era?

1. Planet X or Nibiru

Decrease "caste" Pluto is no longer in the series nine planets in the solar system generate hypotheses that there are other planets orbiting irregular. The planet is called Planet X or Nibiru, will come crashing described planet Earth.

What happens after the collision? Could be total destruction of the earth, or it could be a polar reversal brought massive change. Until finally climate are destroyed killing humans.

2. The Prophecy of the Popes

Pope prophecy was first published in 1595 by Arnold de Wyon, a Benedictine historian to be part of a book he wrote Lignum Vitae. Consists of 112 parts of Saint Malachy's vision about the papacy.

112 sections describe each pope who started from Pope Celestine II, who was elected in 1130. Until the latter part of the so-called Peter Roman, saying, "I'll reign Petrus Romanus who will feed his flock amid great tribulation; After seven cities will be destroyed and the mountain pass final judgment."

The Malachy prophecy enthusiasts and observers believe the figure of Pope Benedict XVI, who led the Vatican since 2005, a figure last past before the collapse of the Vatican and the anti-Christ's reign began.

3. Photon Belt

Right now we are approaching the end of the Millennium. The mystic paranormal, metaphysical practitioners and observers would have to know and realize that the man was on the threshold of a major change in its evolution.

Our solar system is part of a galaxy that we call by the name of The Milky Way (Milky Way), our universe is part of a Universe Kingdom. There is a theory that there are 12 mentions of the Universe in the Universe Kingdom. Our Universe is the last created.

Each universe, each galaxy, each solar system has a Sun. Our solar system position on the edge of a galaxy, circling a sun CENTRAL (Central Sun) of the Pleiades star cluster whose name Alcione. Following our Solar System planets including the earth takes 25,860 years to go around Alcione it.

In 1961, the world of science through satellite instruments have successfully detected a Zone Photon (Photon Belt) surrounding the Pleiades vertically. Because of our sun and planets circling Alcione over 25,860 years, each ± ​​12,500 years our solar photon collides with ZONA it. To traverse ZONE photon takes years 1000-2000. In fact since 1961 the solar system have started entering the Photon ZONE, new edge, and will be in the center around the years 2011-2012.

Is the Photon Zone?
Photon Belt or Photon Zone is an area that consists of particles of light photons. Photon of light is due to the collision of the anti-electron (positron) with the electron. The collision caused both types of particles destroy each other, which then lead to energy photon or particle of light. Later this photon energy future will be the main energy source to meet energy needs.

There will be a total change in the field of Science, Technology and Human Consciousness.

What Happens When the Transition?
On the edge of this zone there is a limit Photon called Zone Nil (Null Zone), there is a compression zone is nil tremendous energy, in which the magnetic field is so dense that everything that crosses the zone it's definitely changing. It also means that the magnetic field of the earth and the sun will be changed to a new type of magnetic, the magnetic interdimensional. Then the estimated incidence of certain change in the electric field and gravitational magnetic earth, which is actually already happening today.

Another consequence is going to happen is that all power tools can not function, the lights can not be turned on, the car can not be a starter.

Estimated that over the past few days the inhabitants of the earth will be faced with circumstances that are not understood, and live in darkness.

Day 1-2: The sun is not visible and does not shine. So the earth into darkness, the air is very cold.

Days 3-4: Visible dim light, as at dawn, the stars began to appear in the sky.

Day 5-6: The days will continue to light (24h light), all living creatures feel more excited about receiving new energy. Supernatural abilities begin to emerge, the inhabitants of the earth feel the realization of the New Age.

Changes in the frequency of vibration is so terrible so called new birth for the planet Earth and the human race, the creation of the New Age (The Dawn of the New Age).

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