The mystery of life is endless and irresolvable. This afternoon we will discuss about 10 carcasses of mysterious creatures ever ditemuakan earth. A recent study conducted by scientists at Dalhousie University in Canada and University of Hawaii examine the question: Do people have been able to find almost all the species on Earth? The paper concludes that less than 15% of the estimated 8.7 million species on Earth has been found, the remaining 85% of the species on this planet are not known to man.
For example, we only have a catalog of 7% of the estimated number of fungal species and identify less than 10% of the sea creatures. For this reason, biologists around the world record when carcass / mayat2 found strange. History is replete with reports of an unknown sea creatures, land mammals, and human corpses mysteriously. and this article will try to outline an explanation of the existence of the discovery of 10 bodies and misteirus most bizarre I have ever found.
10. Princess of Persia
On October 19, 2000, authorities in Balochistan, Pakistan received a tip about a man named Ali Aqbar and video footage that shows an ancient mummy. The mummy is said to have been placed on the black market antiquities at $ 20 million. After interrogation, led police to the home Aqbar Wali Muhammad Reeki in Kharan near the Afghan border.
Reeki told the officer that he had received the mummy of a man named Sharif Shah of Iran Bakhi were found after an earthquake near Quetta.
In a press conference on October 26, 2000, archaeologists from Islamabad, Quaid-e-Azam University announced that the mummy is a corpse seemed a princess from the year 600 BC.
The mummy was found in a gilded wooden coffin. Carving runes on his chest plate and stone sarcophagi (burial container).Body The body was placed on top of a mixture of wax and honey. This body has an elegant gold crown, with an inscription stating her name Rhodugune, daughter of King Xerxes I of Persia and a member of the Achaemenid dynasty.
The Persian princess was immediately hailed as major archaeological finds.
No other Persian mummies ever found and the mummification process is generally considered to be unique to the ancient Egyptians.
After that discovery, the government of Iran and Pakistan fought over the right to property mummy.Official ExplanationPersian princess tale inspired many archaeologists to investigate the case. He soon discovered that writing on the chest mummy has some grammatical errors.
A series of x-ray revealed that some common operations for mummifications Egypt have been ignored.
Pakistani professor Ahmad Dani studied items and realized the body was not that old coffin.
Ibrahim concluded that the Princess of Persia actual mummified body of a modern woman about 21-25 years old, who died around 1996, probably killed by a blunt object to the neck.
On August 5, 2005, it was announced that the body would be given the right to a decent burial. However, until 2011, the body was still not buried because of bureaucratic delays.
9. Clots in Chilli
In July 2003, a giant blob weighing 13 tonnes were rotting gray found on the beach in Los Muermos Pinuno, Chile. Carcass along 12.5 m and 5.8 m lebarnya.Penemuan this made international headlines and biologists initially unable to identify the carcass itu.Banyak written article speculates that the carcass of a sea creature like agar-agar is a giant octopus species previously unknown in science. The others assured me that it was the remains of the basking shark or whale sperm.Following this discovery, the carcass is guarded by scientists in Chile, unfortunately using a solution of formaldehyde that destroys the ability of the laboratory to maintain a particular DNA sequence.Official explanationIn June 2004, it was reported that fragments of DNA found in the blob is matched by a sperm whale. Adult sperm whale can reach sizes of 20.5 meters and weighing up to 57,000 pounds. Globsters Similar cases have been documented in the history of giants. Often interpreted as the remains of the mysterious giant sea creature.
Some examples include carcass found in Tasmania (1960), Gambia (1983), Nantucket, Mass (1996), Newfoundland (2001), and two in Bermuda (1995 and 1997).
The images of the Chilean Blob monster similar to St. Augustine Monster, which is a large unidentified carcass stranded near St. Augustine, Florida, in 1896.
8. Trunko
One of the witnesses, Hugh Balance, said that the animal looks like a polar bear rakasa.Monster it uses a similar lobster tail to attack the whales in an attempt to escape.
Animal giant leap out of the water as high as 6.1m and seen for more than three jam.Kemudian night, bloodless carcass of sea creatures washed up on the beach.
body has a length of 14.3 meters, a width of 3 meters and a height of 1.5 meters.
This animal has a tail like a lobster unusual along 3m and whole body seemed covered with a thick white fur 8 inches.
The creature does not have a distinct head. Instead, no frills like an elephant's trunk along with a 1.5m diameter of 14 inches.This dead animal dubbed Trunko.Para scientists have examined the carcass and left on the beach for 10 days, until the tide pulled back into the sea.
Information about this event was published on December 27, 1924, edition of the London Daily Mail, under an article titled Polar Bears like fish.
In September 2010, the German cryptozoologist named Mark Hemmler find a collection of photos missing from Trunko.Penemuan provides evidence that giant sea animal carcasses are white it is ever stranded in 1920.Official ExplanationMany people have tried to identify these carcasses.
Initially, the most common explanation is that Trunko is a big whale, basking shark or whale shark gets white texture due to exposure to water and decay.
He also suggested that Trunko a new species of whale, or Pinnipeds are not known, or sirenian.Salah more skeptical of the explanation is the carcass of an albino elephant in the southern ocean.In 2010, after photographs Trunko examined, it was determined that the carcass may be Globster, or, a large bag of fat-containing collagen that is sometimes left behind when the pope died when the skull and skeleton has been separated from the skin.
This woman to be vigilant after a dog they take the bodies of small mammals, measuring about 0.3 meters. This woman decided to photograph the strange creature and quickly left the area.
After analyzing the images, it was determined that the carcass showed some strange facial features, which have been compared to this hutan.Hewan pigs have teeth with long fangs and a tail like a rat tail. Carcass shape similar to an otter.
A few days after the initial meeting, the two women returned to the area to take the carcass but the carcass was already hilang.Sebagai aftermath of the report, several news agencies to lift stories and articles published in an unidentified corpse.
Official explanationPeople have made comparisons between mammalian and Kitchenuhmaykoosib Mosnter Omajinaakoos legendary cryptid (the ugly).
According to folklore certain Native American tribes in central Canada, Omajinaakoos is rarely met human beings who live on the river and marshy areas of Canada.
Tradition says that is a sign of bad luck for someone who saw the carcass Omajinaakoos.
The investigation then investigate the photos and determine bagkai it is the American mink (mink) decaying.
American Mink (cerpelai) |
6. Case shud Park
All the labels on the clothes and the man was thrown clean shaven. The body was in a cigarette behind his ear and a cigarette a half on the right lapel jacket.
Coroner was unable to determine the man's identity or cause of death. Organs displayed intense congestion and big striking his spleen. During the examination, a small piece of rolled paper with the words "Tamam shud" printed on it was found sewn in the victim's pants.
This paper trimmed. The phrase Tamam shud was identified as meaning "ended" or "finished." It is found on the last page of a collection of poems called The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.The phrase Tamam shud identified as meaning "end" or "finished." It is found on the last page of a collection of poems called The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.Theme of the poem is that people should live their lives fully and have no regrets when it is completed. With pressure to solve this case, Australian police decided to have a mysterious corpse was embalmed on December 10, 1948. This is the first time in history that such a situation has occurred.Official ExplanationThe discovery was made public record, and a man came forward to reveal that he had found a rare copy of the first edition of Edward FitzGerald's translation of The Rubaiyat in a locked car in Glenelg on the night of 30 November 1948.Buku that there are parts missing at the words "Tamam shud "on the last page.Also found in the book is the phone number belonged to a former nurse. She was tracked down and denied all knowledge of the man's identity. In a TV program on the case, the woman's name is given as Jestyn (which is an alias used for the show).The name was apparently derived from the front of the book ini.Para researchers investigating the case have been trying to track down a woman named Jestyn and found that he died in 2007. Evidence recovered in 2009 related to the image of the male to the family Jestyn Somerton.
In May 2007, a reindeer breeder and hunter Yuri Khudi named baby woolly mammoth find a carcass in the Russian Arctic Yamal peninsula in a frozen state.
Carcass was named Lyuba and weighs 50 kg. Woolly mammoths had a high of 85 cm and a length of 130 cm from head to tail. Determined that the calf had winner! About 42.000 years ago at the age of one month.
It is believed that he died after getting stuck in deep mud and suffocating. Clay-like substance "pickle" giant carcass preserved in a state of almost pure.
Scientists around the world were stunned by the discovery of mammoth children's bodies.
By examining Lyuba's teeth, researchers hope to gain insight into what caused the ice age mammals, including mammoths became extinct at the end of the Pleistocene era about 10,000 years ago.A Japanese research team is currently experimenting with the process of obtaining DNA samples from intact woolly mammoth Lyuba, perhaps even clone. Carcass discovery has spawned a wave of modern research into the mystery of what caused the last glacial period and the extinction of woolly mammoth species.
The article quoted Larry Penny, Director of the East Hampton Natural Resources Director. Penny concluded that it was a raccoon carcass with upper jaw missing.Official explanationAfter the Montauk Monster was photographed by Jenna Hewitt, the creature's carcass menghilang.Gambar quickly spread on the internet and much of the media a story ini.Satu newspaper quoted an unidentified woman who said the animal was about the size of a house cat.
Initially, people speculated that it was a sea turtle. However, this is not possible because the turtle's body can not be removed from the shell without damaging the skin tissue.
3. Zuiyo Maru Carcass
On 25 April 1977, a Japanese trawler named ZuiyMaru sailing in eastern Christchurch, New Zealand, when an unknown strange creatures caught in the trawl net at a depth of 300 meters. Crew pull the large creatures to the surface and found the rotting carcass that reportedly weight of 1800 kg and a length of about 10 m.The creature has a foot 1.5 meter long neck, four large, reddish fins and legs and tail length of 2.1 m. According to the original report, the creature has no dorsal fin and have no internal organs.After that discovery, Zuiy Maru crew became convinced that it was the carcass of an unknown sea creature. Although the finding of potential significance, captain, Akira Tanaka, decided to dispose of the carcass back to laut.Sebelum carcass was gone, a collection of pictures were taken.The crew removing the creature's skin sample to analisis.Setelah pictures were developed, several newspapers in Japan, published an article on the event.Japanese citizens became interested in the carcass and the plague "plesiosaur-craze" across the country.
Professor Tokio Shimaka from Yokohama University believes that it is the remains of a plesiosaur carcass reportedly extinct.
Perbandingan Bangkai dengan Paus (kanan), Perbandingan bangkai dengan Plesiosaurus (kiri) |
Plesiosaurus |
After death, the basking shark carcasses lost his head lower, dorsal fin, tail fin and first, making them resemble a plesiosaur carcass.Although there is evidence, some have studied the photos and find oddities, including a pair of symmetrical fins on the creature.
2. San Pedro Mountain Mummy
In October 1932, two prospectors named Cecil Mayne and Frank Carr found a strange room while blasting for gold in the mountains of San Pedro, about 60 miles southwest of Casper, Wyoming.Lubang It measured 1.22 m high and 4.57 m wide .Upon entering the room, the miners were surprised to see the mummies of a man kecil.mayat found sitting in an upright position with your arms and legs disilangkan.Mummi It sits perpendicular to the floor on a small ledge and weighs about 12 ons.tinggi mummy 0.17 meters when sitting and standing 0.35 m tegak.Kulitnya brown and wrinkled, flattened skull and eyes sleepy body weight and prominence.The mummy displays a flat nose, wide mouth, and lips tipis.Tubuh mummy was very well preserved, even nails terlihat.Kepala covered with a dark substance, seems to have preserved mummies in cairan.Setelah invention, the carcass was named Pedro the Mummy. Scientists have come from all over the country to see it.In 1950, x-ray done on the mummy and the mummy that have reported that male skeleton. Few broken bones, including a broken collarbone, spine and skull. These injuries and blood congealed on the head indicates this mummy are seen violent death.Official ExplanationThe bodies were examined by a man named Dr. Henry Shapiro, a biological anthropologist from the Natural History Museum Amerika.Setelah studying x-rays, Dr. Shapiro came to believe that the mummy is the body of a 65-year-old man at death.
This mummy has fangs are very large compared to the rest of the body and is reported as a vampire.In 1950, this finding is supported by the University Harvard.Namun, 30 years later, Dr. George Gill, a forensic anthropologist to propose another theory.
He took the notion that this was the body of a small child who is not an Indian tribe diketahui.Bertahun-year after the mummy was found, the body, the two were seen in the vicinity of the sama.Kali is a female mummy, which had a height of only 10 cm. Almost every Native American culture tells of a race of dwarfs.Stories from mouth to mouth in Arapaho, Sioux, Cheyenne, and Crow, examining race "little people" who got only 0.5 meters tall by 0.91 m.Dalam some tribes they are known as Nimerigar, this is a legendary race of little people found in the folklore of the Shoshone 'little people eater. ".According to Native American stories, Nimerigar who lives in San Pedro Mountains in south central Wyoming and is always at war with people of normal size using the arrow keys beracun.Dikatakan Nimerigar that when one becomes sick or old, they were killed by their own people by a blow to head.Part of the claim is considered folklore stories that just a fairy tale until she finds mummy Pedro.
Pedro carcasses end up in Meeteetse, Wyoming, at a local drug store where he was shown as an attraction for several years.On July 7, 1979, an article published in the Casper Star-Tribune stating mummy is owned by a man named Leonard Wadler, a New York.Mayat businessman mummy has not been seen since. Until Pedro mummy found, it will be impossible to determine whether it is real.Currently there is $ 10,000 reward for finding the mummy that is
1. Mysterious creature from Panama
Panama refers to the carcass being photographed near the town of Cerro Azul, Panama, in September 2009.According to a collection of articles published about the incident, the animal had been spotted by a group elasticized teens were crawling out of the cave.The kids said it was hairy creature has hairy body with dental tajam.mahluk It has a "feature disgusting," a flat nose, and arms panjang.Para teens claimed that the animal is up to them, so they beat him to death with a stick.and the children's bodies being tossed into the pool of water and leave the area. They then returned to the area and photographed.
Official Explanation
Some zoologists Panama said the carcass was apparently fetus of a jenis.Empat days after the incident was reported, a biopsy is done by the National Environmental Authority of Panama. The studies concluded that the carcass was in reality a Sloth carcasses of animals that have a strange neck coklat.Munculnya caused by the decomposition of water. Once identified, the corpse was buried.
The simple fact that the creature was positively identified as the carcass extraordinary life.
Different story than the story has been told there is no teen who threw the carcass in the water.Some people have become confused over the fact that these children should be recognized if the animal is a sloth-necked brown.
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