Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Spy Agent 10 Largest In The World

Speaking of spies, of course we remember the James Bond films, the international spy, James Bond Work may be the coolest job, aided by a myriad of advanced tools. As we know, the movie and the fact it was different. In the film, the work of intelligence can be very dangerous and exciting, but in fact, this work is very risky, tiring, repetitive and should be full of patience and expertise. Denise Richards, Halle Berry and Caterina Murino (flings her James Bond) is not waiting for you in bed every night are like in a James Bond movie.
The role of intelligence is an important part of a country, which is why so many states require agencies inelegen / spy agencies. Intelligence failures can result in dire consequences, the stakes are life or data inelegen their country. while success can help countries prevent unnecessary tragedies. Here will be discussed 10 biggest spy agencies in the world today. Please note that this list includes only institutions that are currently active (which is exposed to the media, that there may be a secret Intelligence Agency who had never appeared in public).

number 10
Location: Canada

The Canadian Security Intelligent Service (CSIS) was established in 1984, prior to this Intelligence agency. Canada dealt with the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police). CSIS operates as the CIA and MI6, in this case CSIS is a civilian who is not related to the military or police. Canadian intelligence agents have jobs in the domestic and international sphere. their duty to monitor and deal with the threat to the security of Canada. CSIS.

number 9
Location: Australia

Founded in 1952, the Australian Secret Intelligent Service (ASIS) agency responsible for collecting intelligence, counterintelligence activities and, especially, coordination with other agencies abroad. The Australian government recently passed a controversial law lo work with other organizations such as the CIA in paramilitary operations, but ASIS is not directly involved with the CIA. ASIS holding thousands of secret files on citizens in Australia.

number 8
R & AW
Location: India

India's external intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (R & AW) was founded in 1968 as a response to the poor performance of intelligence services in the last war against Pakistan and China. Unlike most Western institutions, R & AW wing mounted as federal cabinet and is not responsible to the Parliament of India. Recently, R & AW's have focused on neighboring Pakistan. During the Kargil War in Kashmir in 1999, the R & AW were able to explore the relationship between Pakistan intelligence services and terrorist groups to infiltrate militant groups in Kashmir valley.

   R & AW had a big hand in the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. The agency helps relay disputes among residents who are not satisfied Bangladesh (then called East Pakistan), which led to the creation of Bangladesh guerrilla army. In closing, the R & AW operation infiltrated East Pakistan for covert operations, helping defeat the Pakistan army.

number 7
Location: Israel

Israeli Intelligence Agency, Mossad, is responsible for intelligence collection, counter-terrorism and covert operations. The director reports directly to the head of state, Prime Minister. Mossad is a civilian service, and do not use military ranks, although most of the staff have served the company agent in the Israeli defense forces as part of a compulsory draft system state. Mossad wing most famous is the "Special Operations Division" or "Metsada," known. The Metsada has been involved in several killings, paramilitary operations, sabotage, and psychological warfare.

In 1960, the Mossad discovered that Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi war criminal known, lived in Argentina under the name Ricardo Klement. He was arrested by a team of Mossad agents and smuggled to Israel where he was tried and executed.

number 6
Location: Germany

 (BND) The Bundesnachrichtendienst's created before World War II in order to spy on the Soviet Union. Today, the institute acts as an early warning system to alert the German government to threats from abroad, was responsible heavily on surveillance, wiretapping and electronic communications internationally. The annual budget of the BND is very large, exceeding 430 million euros. BND has been involved in several scandals in the country recently, with regard to the alleged wiretapping and surveillance of journalists, and the use of journalists as spies on journalists lainnya.Pada War in Iraq in 2003, the German government rejected President Bush's efforts to providing troops for the coalition. One of BND achievement is to reveal issues in the Iraq of Saddam Hussein.

Location: Pakistan

Institutional performance is a little weak in intelligence sharing both naval, army and air force. During the India-Pakistan War of 1947 established the Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) by the government of Pakistan in 1948. Since then, the influence function of this institution not shrinks liking / power leader Pakistan. ISI has been actively working with the CIA is involved in counter-terrorism against the rebels pursued the world of Al-Qaeda, Taliban militants and tribal / terrorist Pakistan. ISI is an active entity known cheat and operate in "invisible".

In 1980, ISI intercepting communications murderers President of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, at the national parade will dilalukan on some days. Presidential assassin plot includes high-ranking military officials, they plan to launch a bloody coup to overthrow the government and install an extreme Islamic government in Pakistan. ISI catch them before the murders carried out.

number 4

Lokasi: France

The Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (DGSE) dibentuk baru-baru ini, menggantikan lembaga yang lebih tua de Dokumentasi Extérieure et de Contre-Espionnage (SDECE) pada tahun 1982, Lembaga ini bertanggung jawab untuk mengumpulkan data intelijen, pencegahan deteksi dan menemukan kegiatan spionase eksternal. Diarahkan terhadap kepentingan Perancis. Badan ini menyimpan profil data rahasia tingkat rendah.

The DGSE segera membuktikan keberadaannya pada awal tahun 1980, ketika mereka mengungkapkan jaringan mata-mata Soviet yang memungkinkan Uni Soviet untuk mengumpulkan info
penting tentang  kemajuan Teknologi Barat tanpa sepengetahuan Badan Intelijen Barat (Amerika). Jaringan mata-mata Uni Soviet (Russia) adalah jaringan yang paling canggih dalam hal teknologi di Eropa dan Amerika Serikat.

number 3
Location: Russia
 When one thinks of Russian intelligence, maybe they know they usually think of the KGB (Russian Intelligence Agency World War). But the KGB was disbanded by Boris Yeltsin in 1995, was not affected by the collapse of the Soviet Union. GRU was created in 1918 by Vladimir Lenin, and given the task of handling all military intelligence. Since then, the GRU has taken part in anti-nationalist activities in Eastern Europe and significant according to a former agent, they infiltrated many major European countries and America nrgara serikatAgen GRU accused of links to al-Qaeda.

number 2
Location: United Kingdom

Or MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service, was created before World War I duty to maintain, and spying activities of the Imperial German government. Since then, MI6 has been heavily involved in the major conflicts of the 20th century and 21.MI6 actively collaborated with American agents, they share intelligence and conduct covert ops. they were like brother and sister.

Number 1 CIA
Location: United States

Founded in 1947, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has three functions: 1) Obtaining and analyzing information about foreigners, 2) Propaganda and public relations, and, 3) Secret Operations for the Defense of President. CIA given the right to operate freely, the American government felt that the CIA need to be free like that, they need to fight the Soviet Union agency, the KGB. Almost the same as the movie-fil about secret agents, the agents are trained to kill, and menginterogasi.beberapa undercover CIA sources say mind-control experiment to explore the brain's memory, multiple personality pretending (sissy), pretending to be insane or a false confession . How to control the mind is by placing electrodes on the brain and controlling their behavior with remote transmitters are designed in such a way, so that it can control the functions of the brain and emotional object.

That's 10 Secret Agency biggest in the world, how would you be interested? Indonesia also has a secret agency like the CIA, the NIA (National Intelligence Agency) agents are the Kopassus and TNI-trained special agents.
Collecting data intelligence and secret mission is a high-risk activity, the equipment that they do not like in the James Bond films. may only credit card, passport, flash and one weapons.

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