Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

8 mystery that we can not trust

It turns out that the World is full of mystery. Not a mystery volcano. But the mystery that we can not trust, but it does exist and is not a HOAX alone. There are 8 mysteries of the world are interesting to read, which would certainly will add your insights.

1. Immortal lightning in Venezuela

Catatumbo Lightning mysterious is a unique natural phenomenon in the world. Located at the mouth of the Catatumbo river at Lake Maracaibo. This phenomenon is a cloud lightning that forms a "line" lightning along the 5 kilometer, every 140-160 nights a year, for 10 hours each night, and more than 280 times in 1 hour. This could almost be called a 'permanent storm'. Lightning is an intensity up to 400,000 amperes, and visible 400 miles away. According to the study, this occurs because the lightning impact the wind coming from the Andes Mountains. Lightning is also used as navigation by sailors.

2.Hujan Fish in Honduras

The Rain of Fishes (Fish Rain) was told in Honduran Folklore. However, it also occurs significantly in Departamento de Yoro, between the months of May and July. The witness said that this phenomenon began with dark clouds in the sky, followed by lightning, thunder, strong winds and heavy rain for 2-3 hours. After the rain stopped, hundreds of living fish are found on the ground. People take the fish - fish and cook it. Since 1998, Rain of Fish Festival is celebrated every year in the city of Yoro.

3. Climbing Goats in Morocco

Goats climb trees, can only be found in Morocco. These goats climb trees because they want to eat the fruit of the Argan tree, which is similar to Olives.

4. Red rain in Kerala

From 25 July to 23 September 2001, red rain fell in south India, Kerala Province. Not just red, yellow rain, green and hitamjuga reported. Government of India found that the rain has been "colored" by the spores of algae, which float in the air. Then, early in 2006, Kerala became the world's attention.

5. The longest waves in Brazil

Two times a year, between February and March, the Atlantic Ocean water accumulated in the Amazon River, creating the longest waves in the world. This phenomenon is caused by the ocean currents that meet Atantik estuaries, resulting in waves as high as 12 feet that can take up more than half an hour.

6. Black Sun in Denmark

During spring in Denmark, about a half hour before dusk, more than 1 million Sturnus Vulgaris (a type of bird) gather from all corners to join and form a remarkable collection in the air. Hinnga make the sky was dark. This phenomenon is called Black Sun, and can be seen in the early spring in western Denmark.

7. Rainbow Fire in Idaho

Femonena atmosphere known as circumhorizon arc or Fire Rainbow (rainbow fire), will appear when the sun is high (more than 58 degrees above the horizon). The sunlight shining through the straight and cirrus clouds, thus producing a kind of hexagon crystal plate and form a prism effect. So it looks pelangiyang shaped like fire.

8.Misteri Crop Circle

Crop circles are a form of circles and other shapes such as geometry (size and plumpness large / wide), even adajuga that are commonly encountered form the image of living creatures such as scorpions, sunflowers, bees, etc. the fields of agriculture, especially wheat. In the UK, Canada, USA, Australia and Japan, many found the crop circle phenomenon. This phenomenon usually appears in summer when farm fields overgrown with plants .. The geometry is sometimes in the form of circles or bisajuga form a series of unique images, which show that the author is an intelligent creature. But, this is not a crop circle made ​​by humans based on the evidence that has been investigated by scientists. So what creatures like less work to make all of this??? Crop circles are often found in southern England.

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