Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

8 Gadgets For Unique Animals in the World

1.Dog Self Serve Water Fountain

The Doggie Fountain gives your dog a clean water whenever it is needed. This tool is active when the dog steps on the plate stepped tool. To install, just connect it to your water hose and adjust the water level to control water pressure.
So No more stagnant water or empty water bowl on hot days!
interested in ga who have a dog??


2.The Doggy Treadmill

Most people know that having a dog has some responsibility that comes along with it, the important thing is: keep feeding the dog and taking time out of your day to go for a walk with him.
Knowing the U.S., there are categories of people who want a dog, but do not feel like taking a walk every day.
For you lazy people out there who fall into that category, you must have this tool Doggy Treadmill
but according to ane pity the dog is too old too tired


3.Canine Twitterer
If you agree the dog as man's best friend, Agan will probably make him a Twitter account too

Well, how do I update the pet tweet?
This tool can "interpret" what do you pet and he'll automatically update tweets

All tweets sent from the tag to the USB receiver that plugs into your computer connected to the Internet within a radius of 100 feet, automatically updating their Twitter accounts.

Ane Kira is good only for indoor dogs and lap dogs, because according to ane ga gan dipake diluaran match, the tool is worth 29.95 dollars ga waterproof and to jalan2 out with extreme weather
ya pretty cool dog we got twitter

4.special pet entry
What about if you have a large dog door? But the thief will easily fit through that door

What if the animal gives us a special door locks? but whether the animal might be able to open the door with the key?
nah, a special tool was created to help all those

This door works by identifying a pet cat with a microchip implant, which is the identification of trends among pet owners. The chip is implanted in our pets, compared with that tag often lost because sometimes obscure
but scary too huh

5.Pet back-pack
Well, this bag by ane suitable for the likes jalan2 invites pet but also rich items like laptop taken macem2 danlain2
because this bag can carry macem2 barang2 agan agan and their pets as well, pretty useless right?

6.Automatic food

Now the tool is suitable for who like travel and have pets at home
concerned neighbors can not believe you ate for pets?
gan ya no solution

these foods in settings can feed pets for 6 days automatically
nah we can also waktu2 appropriate setting for their meals, within 15 seconds will be available and pet dishes ga agan will starve though left


7.Doggie Cages for Car Doors
The "BreezeGuard" effectively a protective cage for the pet to be able to enjoy the breeze outside safely.

Sue Stipanovich, who started the business of making BreezeGuards, said the inspiration came when he saw a truck in front of him with a dog perched outside the window. He was so surprised by this that she can not stop thiking about it all day, but managed to turn anxiety into productivity by creating BreezeGuard it.
price $ 250.00 is quite expensive too huh

8. GPS Pet Tracking
With a GPS Dog Collar you'll always know where your dog on and will not have to worry so much.
Simply strap on the neck of his neck, and long may attract both GPS and GSM signals, you can find out the location of your pet (or look at the map on the smartphone).

but you better remember to insert the SIM card and charge the battery at least once every 5 days costs around $ 1000

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