Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

10 Negara Yang Punya Reaktor Nuklir Terbesar Di Dunia

Nuclear power is one alternative energy to overcome the scarcity of fossil fuels because it is caused by natural changes, changes in weather and climate One of the energy generated from nuclear power is used as nuclear power plants. Nuclear power as a reliable supplier of the electricity needs of a nation, so many countries are building nuclear reactors to meet its energy needs. Here are 10 of the country with the most nuclear reactors

10. India, 17 nuclear reactors

India has 17 nuclear reactors and is the fourth largest source of energy in India. If Germany would consider stopping its nuclear energy because of Fukushima disaster, but not with India. Inda is not affected by the accident or disaster in Fukushima. Even in 2010, India plans an ambitious project to develop a nuclear energy capacity to reach 63,000 MW by the year 2023

9. Germany, 17 nuclear reactors

Germany has 17 nuclear reactors and nuclear power in 2011 Germany supplied 17.7% of German electricity needs. This is down from the year 2010 which amounted to 22.4%. The development of nuclear technology in Germany a debate on the political agenda, especially in the energy dispute between Russia and Belarus in 2007 and the Fukushima accident in 2011. Both of these events makes the German government officially announced plans to abandon nuclear energy within 11 years. The announcement was made ​​public on May 30, 2011

8. China, 17 nuclear reactors

China as a country with the world's most populous country has 17 nuclear reactors. China built nuclear power as an energy alternative to coal power already scarce. Chinese companies have two of the largest nuclear power stations namely China National Nuclear Corporation in northeast China and the China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group in southeast China

7. South Korea, 18 nuclear reactors

South Korea is the seventh country which has the most nuclear reactors by 18 reactors. Nuclear energy is very active in South Korea by exporting nuclear technology to countries such as Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Indonesia, India, Malaysia and the PRC. South Korean nuclear power plants run on four areas, namely Yeonggwang, Kori, and Uljin Wolseong

 6. Canada, 18 nuclear reactors

Canada as one of the largest country has 18 nuclear reactors and in 2009 approximately 15% of Canadian electricity generated by the power nulikir. In 2011 the Canadian government plans to build a new nuclear stations but the plan is still under discussion because of the disaster in Fukushima, the Canadian government ruled to review the safety and repairs on all operators of nuclear reactors

5. England, 19 nuclear reactors

Britain has 19 nuclear reactors and has produced nuclear power that has been supplying a sixth of the UK's electricity needs in 2012. Since its founding in 1956, Britain "just" experienced two nuclear accidents are due to a fire in the Windscale plutonium piles on October 8, 1957 and at Sellafield as much as 20 tonnes of uranium and 160kg of plutonium leak because there is a crack pipe on April 19, 2005

4. Russia, 31 nuclear reactors

Russia has 31 nuclear reactors and has a dark history with nuclear reactors in Ukraine (formerly part of the SSR) at reactor number four of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986. Now the Russian government to be more careful in managing its nuclear reactor. Russia electricity supply in 2010 was filled by nuclear power plants by 16%, with a force of 170.1 TWh. The Russian government plans to increase its nuclear reactors from 31 to 59 reactors

3. Japan, 55 nuclear reactors

Japan is the third country that has a lot of nuclear reactors, 55 nuclear reactors. Nuclear energy seems to be a strategic national priority. As the country is often hit by earthquakes, the damage to the nuclear reactor and the concerns of all the people of Japan may also be the world. As the events of March 11, 2011, which had destroyed the cooling systems of nuclear power plants in Fukushima in the tsunami. At least 140 thousand people or within 20 km of the reactor in evacuation

2. France, 59 nuclear reactors

France is a country that has the second most nuclear reactors, as many as 59 nuclear reactors. France forced to have a lot of nuclear reactors because this country has no energy resources such as oil, as an energy source country. French nuclear power generating 540.6 TWh of energy and meets the needs of as many as 78.8% of electricity in France, this figure is the highest percentage in the world. So that electricity rates in France are the cheapest in Europe

1. United States, 104 nuclear reactors

America is a country that has the most nuclear reactors, as many as 104 commercial nuclear reactors. A total of 69 are powered water reactors and 35 boiling water reactors. There are as many as 65 nuclear power plants that have been licensed to operate. The power plant produces electricity at 806.2 TWh and have supplied 19.6% of total electricity demand across the U.S. in 2008. In February 2012, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved the construction of two reactors, arguing the tsunami that struck Japan March 11, 2011 that destroyed the nuclear reactor in Fukushima.

However, this development plan opposition from environmental and anti-nuclear activist for reasons of public safety and the environment, especially with the disaster at Fukushima which has not fully recovered

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