This list was inspired by a very good book "Lost in the Times". I highly recommend you buy if you want to read more detail about, the stories and places in this list.
10. Cahokia
The Forgotten American in Rome
The Forgotten American in Rome
Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site is the area where the original ancient city (600-1400 AD century) near Collinsville, Illinois.Ini is the largest archaeological site related to the Mississippian culture, which developed advanced societies in central and eastern North America, beginning more than five centuries before the arrival of the Europeans.It is a National Historic Landmark and the site devoted IN state protection. Additionally, this is one of only twenty World Heritage Sites in the United States. This is the construction of America's largest prehistoric land north of Mexico. It is also home to a wooden structure that appears identical to the function of Stonehenge.
At the high point of its development, Cahokia was the largest city in north central Mexico's Mesoamerica.
Although it is home only 1,000 people before the year 1050, its population grew explosively after that date. Archaeologists estimate the city's population between 8000 and 40,000 at its peak, with more people living in outlying farming villages that provide downtown utama.Pada 1250, its population larger than London, England.
If the highest population estimate is correct, Cahokia larger than the next cities in the United States, until about 1800, when the population of Philadelphia grew beyond 40,000.9. ship Sultana
The forgotten disaster
At the high point of its development, Cahokia was the largest city in north central Mexico's Mesoamerica.
Although it is home only 1,000 people before the year 1050, its population grew explosively after that date. Archaeologists estimate the city's population between 8000 and 40,000 at its peak, with more people living in outlying farming villages that provide downtown utama.Pada 1250, its population larger than London, England.
If the highest population estimate is correct, Cahokia larger than the next cities in the United States, until about 1800, when the population of Philadelphia grew beyond 40,000.9. ship Sultana
The forgotten disaster
steamboat Sultana was a Mississippi River paddlewheeler, was destroyed in an explosion on 27 April 1865. This resulted in the greatest maritime disaster in American history Serikat.Diperkirakan 1,800 of the 2,400 passengers were killed when one of the four ships boilers exploded and the Sultana sank not far from Memphis, Tennessee.Alasan disaster largely forgotten by history is due to take place soon after the assassination President Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War and during the week.
Most of the new passengers were Union soldiers, mainly from Ohio who had just been released from Confederate prison camps such as Andersonville and Cahawba.
The U.S. government has contracted Sultana to transport these former prisoners of war back to their homes. The cause of the explosion is leaking boiler and bad and has not been repaired.
Boiler (or "boilers") exploded as the ship cruised 7 to 9 miles to the north of Memphis at 2:00 am in a huge explosion that sent several passengers on deck into the water and destroy most ships.
Coal heat spread by the explosion immediately convert the remaining superstructure into an inferno, the spotlight can be seen in Memphis.8. Ziryab
Slaves who changed society
Most of the new passengers were Union soldiers, mainly from Ohio who had just been released from Confederate prison camps such as Andersonville and Cahawba.
The U.S. government has contracted Sultana to transport these former prisoners of war back to their homes. The cause of the explosion is leaking boiler and bad and has not been repaired.
Boiler (or "boilers") exploded as the ship cruised 7 to 9 miles to the north of Memphis at 2:00 am in a huge explosion that sent several passengers on deck into the water and destroy most ships.
Coal heat spread by the explosion immediately convert the remaining superstructure into an inferno, the spotlight can be seen in Memphis.8. Ziryab
Slaves who changed society
Ziryab (789-857 AD) was a Persian polymath: a poet, musician, singer, cosmetologist, fashion designer, celebrity, trendsetter, strategies, astronomers, botanists, geographers and former budak.Kebanyakan people have never heard of Ziryab, but at least two of his innovations remain in use to this day: he introduced the notion of three dishes (soup, main course, pudding) and he introduced the use of crystal for drinking glasses (formerly metal is the main ingredient).
He introduced asparagus and other vegetables into society, and to make significant changes and additions to the world of music. He had many children, who all became musicians and spread his legacy throughout Europe. He may be regarded as ancient Bach.
List of social change Ziryab made very large - he helped popularize short hair and shaving for men, and wear different clothes by season.
He creates a sense of fun toothpaste that helps personal hygiene (and longevity) in the region, and also found an underarm deodorant. She also promotes a shower twice a day.
Fire in the Forest
He introduced asparagus and other vegetables into society, and to make significant changes and additions to the world of music. He had many children, who all became musicians and spread his legacy throughout Europe. He may be regarded as ancient Bach.
List of social change Ziryab made very large - he helped popularize short hair and shaving for men, and wear different clothes by season.
He creates a sense of fun toothpaste that helps personal hygiene (and longevity) in the region, and also found an underarm deodorant. She also promotes a shower twice a day.
Fire in the Forest
Most people reading this will be familiar with the Great Chicago Fire that killed hundreds and destroyed four square miles of Chicago, Illinois.Namun, most people do not know that on the same day a much worse fire occurred, in Peshtigo, Wisconsin.8 October 1871, fire in Peshtigo, Wisconsin, is a fire that caused the most deaths by fire in United States history.
On the same day as the Peshtigo and Chicago fires, the city of Holland and Manistee, Michigan, on Lake Michigan, also burned, and the same fate befall Port Huron at the southern end of Lake Huron.
By the time it ended, 1875 square miles of forest have been consumed and destroyed twelve communities. Between 1,200 and 2,500 people are estimated to have lost their lives.
The fire was so intense it surged several miles above the waters of Green Bay, and the burned part of the peninsula door, and jumped into the Peshtigo River itself to burn on both sides of the city.
Witnesses reported that the storm produced a tornado that threw rail cars and houses into the air.
Many survivors of the storm who escaped from the fire by immersing yourself in the Peshtigo River, wells, or other puddle. but Some drowned while others give up because of hypothermia in the cold river.
6.Gil Eanes
Passing Point of No Return
On the same day as the Peshtigo and Chicago fires, the city of Holland and Manistee, Michigan, on Lake Michigan, also burned, and the same fate befall Port Huron at the southern end of Lake Huron.
By the time it ended, 1875 square miles of forest have been consumed and destroyed twelve communities. Between 1,200 and 2,500 people are estimated to have lost their lives.
The fire was so intense it surged several miles above the waters of Green Bay, and the burned part of the peninsula door, and jumped into the Peshtigo River itself to burn on both sides of the city.
Witnesses reported that the storm produced a tornado that threw rail cars and houses into the air.
Many survivors of the storm who escaped from the fire by immersing yourself in the Peshtigo River, wells, or other puddle. but Some drowned while others give up because of hypothermia in the cold river.
6.Gil Eanes
Passing Point of No Return
Name Gil Eannes almost remind appliances; too is that of the places associated with the Portuguese explorer, Cape Bojador. Eannes also do not really find this cape: it has been known for many tahun.Untuk Eannes's a time traveler, Bojador represents an unbreachable barrier, a point of no return, and it is the achievement of a hero is reluctant to pass that invisible boundary, in 1434.
Thus, he opened a new territory, not only on land but in the mind, and thus made possible the golden age of Portuguese exploration, with all its glory and horror.
At that time, conventional wisdom states that the hot sun at the equator. Thus, even if a ship could pass through Cape Bojador, equatorial sun will eventually burn it to a powder.
Furthermore, the ship somehow got past all the other hazards, the most since the crew will meet unspeakable monsters in sub-equatorial region known as the Antipodes.
By having the courage to risk his life (as a result opens a new world,) Eanes is a pioneer in the exploration of European nations for the future - the future. He will also be blamed for future development will be a pioneer - the days of slavery in Europe.
5.Joseph Warren
Mr. Revolution
Thus, he opened a new territory, not only on land but in the mind, and thus made possible the golden age of Portuguese exploration, with all its glory and horror.
At that time, conventional wisdom states that the hot sun at the equator. Thus, even if a ship could pass through Cape Bojador, equatorial sun will eventually burn it to a powder.
Furthermore, the ship somehow got past all the other hazards, the most since the crew will meet unspeakable monsters in sub-equatorial region known as the Antipodes.
By having the courage to risk his life (as a result opens a new world,) Eanes is a pioneer in the exploration of European nations for the future - the future. He will also be blamed for future development will be a pioneer - the days of slavery in Europe.
5.Joseph Warren
Mr. Revolution
Joseph Warren (1741-1775 AD) is considered by many people in his time as the real architect Amerika.Dia Revolution was a key figure in one of the most famous in the history of the tea party.
he wrote a set of provisions that serve as a blueprint for America's first autonomous government. He delivered a speech that sparked the first battle of the Revolutionary War. He sent Paul Revere out at one of history's most famous rides.
He was a Patriot leader, before the Declaration of Independence, for risking his life against England at Battlefield (Sandler 55). And, indeed, he has lost a lot of history. He is surrounded by the names that are well known from the history of American Independence, but his name alone almost never heard today.
Interestingly, his brother juag find Harvard Medical School, and fourteen Nagara in the U.S. have the name of Warren County.
4.George de La Tour
The Forgotten Master
he wrote a set of provisions that serve as a blueprint for America's first autonomous government. He delivered a speech that sparked the first battle of the Revolutionary War. He sent Paul Revere out at one of history's most famous rides.
He was a Patriot leader, before the Declaration of Independence, for risking his life against England at Battlefield (Sandler 55). And, indeed, he has lost a lot of history. He is surrounded by the names that are well known from the history of American Independence, but his name alone almost never heard today.
Interestingly, his brother juag find Harvard Medical School, and fourteen Nagara in the U.S. have the name of Warren County.
4.George de La Tour
The Forgotten Master
Georges de La Tour (March 13, 1593, Vic-sur-Seille, Moselle - January 30, 1652, Luneville) was a painter, who spent most of his working life in the Duchy of Lorraine, (which is absorbed into France between 1641 and 1648) during his lifetime . He painted mostly religious scenes lit by candlelight. after centuries of posthumous obscurity, during the 20th century, he became one of the most highly respected by Baroque artists in 17th-century France.
In his life he was known as a painter to the King (France), and is considered as one of the greatest artists. Very few of his works survive and ketidakjelasannya reasons unknown, but thanks to the efforts Hermann Voss, a German scholar, in 1915 his work was rediscovered.
3. Tiger training
Testing of the day
In his life he was known as a painter to the King (France), and is considered as one of the greatest artists. Very few of his works survive and ketidakjelasannya reasons unknown, but thanks to the efforts Hermann Voss, a German scholar, in 1915 his work was rediscovered.
3. Tiger training
Testing of the day
Exercise Tiger, or Operation Tiger, is the code name for a full-scale rehearsal in 1944 for the D-Day invasion Normandia.Selama practice, the Allied convoy was attacked, resulting in the death of 749 American servicemen. Lack of knowledge of this exercise is intentional (unlike most others on this list).
To hide the shame of failure training authorized this war, all involved are sworn not to divulge this secret before the actual invasion.
Ten missing officers INVOLVED in the exercise had Bigot-level clearance for D-Day, meaning that they knew the invasion plans and could have compromised the invasion should they have been captured alive.
Ten officers who m, engetahui invasion is lost, and the invasion plans were canceled until the body actually almost ten officers to exercise found
With little or no support, of the American or British armed forces, for any attempt to restore permanent memorial dedicated to the event, civilians small area of Devon and ken doing events to commemorate the event, after finding evidence after being stranded on the beach beachcombing on the early 1970s.
2. U.S. First Subway
Secrets of New York Subway
To hide the shame of failure training authorized this war, all involved are sworn not to divulge this secret before the actual invasion.
Ten missing officers INVOLVED in the exercise had Bigot-level clearance for D-Day, meaning that they knew the invasion plans and could have compromised the invasion should they have been captured alive.
Ten officers who m, engetahui invasion is lost, and the invasion plans were canceled until the body actually almost ten officers to exercise found
With little or no support, of the American or British armed forces, for any attempt to restore permanent memorial dedicated to the event, civilians small area of Devon and ken doing events to commemorate the event, after finding evidence after being stranded on the beach beachcombing on the early 1970s.
2. U.S. First Subway
Secrets of New York Subway
In 1904, the subway system of modern New York was officially opened and changed the city forever. But what most people do not know is that it's not the subway pertama.Karena terrible congestion on Broadway, Alfred Ely Beach (the young owner of the magazine Scientific American youth) is called having an idea - to build subways, which use a fan to encourage and suck giant railcar backward and forward through the tunnel.
Because corruption commissioner of public works, William Tweed, Beach had to get approval to build this tunnel by pretending it to be a mail delivery system. Tweed (income mostly comes from public transportation) does not veto the request.
Beach and a small group of people began to dig a tunnel under Broadway in the dark night. The whole company confidential, as dirt hidden in the basement of a building purchased for the purpose itu.Pekerjaan Beach runs fine, but just before they could complete their first line of the public got wind of and supported.
Beach team worked extra hard to complete the subway, and the luxurious style they open to the public subways on March 1, 1870. He picked up twenty-five cents per passenger to travel from Warren Street to Murray Street. It was a great success - carrying more than 400,000 passengers in its first year in operation.
Unfortunately Tweed was furious and vetoed the extension of future subway. Tweed eventually jailed for corruption, and permission was granted for the Beach to continue the work of extending the subway, but unfortunately private investors quickly disappear, since the beginning of the economic crisis.
The subway was not completed and remained hidden under the city completely sealed up (complete with the luxury car and machinery) until it was subsumed into the present City Hall Station.
the subway was not resolved and remains hidden beneath the city is completely closed (complete with luxury cars and machinery) until it was incorporated into the City Hall Station now. Here's a subway route on Google Maps.
1.House of Wisdom
Lost in time
Because corruption commissioner of public works, William Tweed, Beach had to get approval to build this tunnel by pretending it to be a mail delivery system. Tweed (income mostly comes from public transportation) does not veto the request.
Beach and a small group of people began to dig a tunnel under Broadway in the dark night. The whole company confidential, as dirt hidden in the basement of a building purchased for the purpose itu.Pekerjaan Beach runs fine, but just before they could complete their first line of the public got wind of and supported.
Beach team worked extra hard to complete the subway, and the luxurious style they open to the public subways on March 1, 1870. He picked up twenty-five cents per passenger to travel from Warren Street to Murray Street. It was a great success - carrying more than 400,000 passengers in its first year in operation.
Unfortunately Tweed was furious and vetoed the extension of future subway. Tweed eventually jailed for corruption, and permission was granted for the Beach to continue the work of extending the subway, but unfortunately private investors quickly disappear, since the beginning of the economic crisis.
The subway was not completed and remained hidden under the city completely sealed up (complete with the luxury car and machinery) until it was subsumed into the present City Hall Station.
the subway was not resolved and remains hidden beneath the city is completely closed (complete with luxury cars and machinery) until it was incorporated into the City Hall Station now. Here's a subway route on Google Maps.
1.House of Wisdom
Lost in time
House of Wisdom was a library and translation institute in Abbassid-era Baghdad, Iraq. It is a key institution in the translation movement, and is considered to have a major intellectual center of the Islamic Golden Age.
The house is an unparalleled center for studiKemanusiann and for Islamic science, including Islamic mathematics, Islamic astronomy, Islamic medicine, Islamic alchemy and chemistry, zoology and Islamic geography.
Describe manuscript Persia, India and Greece, including Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Euclid, Plotinus, Galen, Sushruta, Charaka, Aryabhata and Brahmagupta-the scholars accumulated the greatest collection of knowledge in the world, and built through their inventions.
Along with all other libraries in Baghdad, the House of Wisdom was destroyed during the Mongol invasion of Baghdad, in 1258. It is said that the waters of the Tigris River to black ink for six months because of the large number of books were thrown into the river.
The number of lost years of knowledge can not be described. It is even more surprising because most people would know by the destruction of the library of Alexandria, but little is known about the loss of Home Science Largest baghdad for that era.
The house is an unparalleled center for studiKemanusiann and for Islamic science, including Islamic mathematics, Islamic astronomy, Islamic medicine, Islamic alchemy and chemistry, zoology and Islamic geography.
Describe manuscript Persia, India and Greece, including Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Euclid, Plotinus, Galen, Sushruta, Charaka, Aryabhata and Brahmagupta-the scholars accumulated the greatest collection of knowledge in the world, and built through their inventions.
Along with all other libraries in Baghdad, the House of Wisdom was destroyed during the Mongol invasion of Baghdad, in 1258. It is said that the waters of the Tigris River to black ink for six months because of the large number of books were thrown into the river.
The number of lost years of knowledge can not be described. It is even more surprising because most people would know by the destruction of the library of Alexandria, but little is known about the loss of Home Science Largest baghdad for that era.
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