Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

10 Plants with Unique Shape

Here is a unique plant in our universe, but the shape looks so unique, even creepy at all impolite (if seen by a man who is full of imagination ... dirty ....)

10.Bleeding Tooth Fungus (Mushrooms Bloody Teeth)

This plant is also called the strawberries and cream, juice red teeth, and tooth devil. such as blood sweat right?

This plant can be eaten. if you are in the woods and being membayanngkan fresh lick ice cream please.

9. Chinese Black Batflowers (Black Bat Flower China ...)

Hanging fruit of this plant look like bats sleep upside down.

8. Doll's Eye (Eye Dolls)


It is also called "white Baneberry."

7. Sea Anemone Mushroom / Octopus Stinkhorn

(Mushrooms sting Horn Octopus)

Originally from australia

Once the plants mature, they "explode" a terrible red tentacles and remove odor to attract flies, which then swallows its victims into "Gleba" and digest,

6. Devil's Claw (Satan Claws)

Is kind of like a small thistle burs that stuck to your clothes when you walk through the grounds, except instead of a small, light interference, they look more like some animals gross spider of some twisted American McGee version during our childhood.

The plant is from Arizona, where they were used by Native Americans for basket weaving

Terrible pods are designed to attach to a passing animal feet, which will then suck animals stuck into the ground and destroy it before the plant produces seeds and then-his surface

5. Porcupine Tomato (Tomato hedgehog)

This comes from Madagascar, or who earned the nickname Little Australia

Apart from the sharp and poisonous, tomatoes hedgehog is potentially invasive species, because it's hard to die, even in drought.

This plant spreads rapidly, and can reach a height of 8 meters, a width of 8 meters in a relatively short time?

4.Cedar-Apple Rust Fungus (Cedar-Apple Rust Fungus)

CARF is a fungal infection that attacks cedar trees and fungus balls globular apel.Ini generate anywhere from inches 1/4 to 2 inches in diameter and a bag "spore horns" when the weather is wet, turn it into a Koosh ball from hell.

3. Buddha's Hand (Hand Buddha)

Buddha's hand citrus fruit that is popular in China and Japan for strong fragrance.

2. Chinese Fleeceflower

The Chinese use this plant in their traditional medicine for kidney health, strong bones and hair restoration, and as a mild laxative, such hemmm tuyul longish ya ...

According to traditional Chinese herbalists, tanamanl is a cure for everything from high cholesterol to issues of femininity ...

1. Various Plants with Similar forms Penis

That was Peter poppers Red Hot Pepper

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