Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

11 Ways Keji interrogate prisoners in the U.S. Army

The following are methods that have been authorized and are taught to the personnel of the U.S. Military by SERE (the U.S. Military Training Program - Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape), especially in the face of terrorists / criminals carriage:

1. Isolation.
How the suspect was placed in a separate room without being able to do any contact dg others. In this period the suspect will experience severe anxiety due to a very strong desire to interact with others.

2. Sleep Deprivation.

By preventing the suspect to sleep for a few days. After a few days the suspect was finally allowed to sleep but was awakened again immediately and directly in the interrogation. Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin never experienced this when he was arrested KGB. He said, "Orang2 looks like it was shrouded in mist and I was dead. My legs were trembling great and ONE ... just ONE wish: SLEEP. Hunger and thirst gk nothing compared to this. "
In addition to causing hallucinations, sleep deprivation which is more than 24 hours will cause temporary insanity.


3. Sensory Deprivation.

The method is to put the suspect in a sort of tube that isolates the total of all external stimuli. These tubes are given a small hole for breathing space occupants. In experiments carried out on 17 org yg subjects, only 6 people who survive up to 36 hours. Others suffer severe anxiety and panic.


4. Stress Position.

The suspect forced to stand for hours without being given any grip. Variations other than stand detainees also told lifting arm. This method pd developed application in the field is becoming increasingly innovative as tying the hands backward and attached it to his ankle in the "withdrawn".


5. Sensory Bombardment.

How to send prisoners standing against the wall. Eyes closed and hands tied tightly and prisoners will be bombarded with very bright lights and loud noises resulting chaos that senses the body due to excessive stimulation, sleep disorders and concentration. A source in the custody of a detainee who said there was "stubborn" this tortured for 7 days non-stop.


6. Forced Nudity.

This method is widely applied in Iraq as American troops interrogated prisoners of war. Practice to expose a suspect in front of the other prisoners and leave them naked in a long long time. As a result, the suspect will feel incredible shame.


7. Sexual Humiliation.

It is adapted to the culture and beliefs that held by the suspect. Its ways as suspects forced into sex scenes with men, women were told to wear underwear (for men accused) and forced to dance striptease in front of her personnel.


8. Cultural Humiliation.

As the points above jg way adapted to the local culture. This method is in essence forcing the suspect to do something which in the view of the suspect is something forbidden or shameful. For example for the Muslims forced to eat pork. Besides it can also penghinaan2 verbal until the suspect felt so humiliated and broke his spirit.


9. Extreme Cold.

This method originated in China that was once applied to political prisoners or religious activists. Generally, prisoners are routinely doused his body in cold water and left in the outdoors or who jg low temperature. There are also constrained standing in the snow wearing only clothes on their backs.
Antipodal method is to use the heat with the sort of confining detainees in cramped spaces that lack ventilation and high temperature. Also called "hot box". New suspects will be issued after not cooperate with interrogators.


10. Phobias.

Phobias are used to evoke a sense of panic in themselves suspect. For example, if the suspect's fear of spiders then the cell will be filled with spiders until the suspect is experiencing the fear and panic that extraordinary. At this stage of the interrogation then implemented.


11. Water Boarding.

This method was later banned in the U.S. Military. Tp is no guarantee that if the rule is fully implemented or not. Waterboarding is done by binding tightly to the suspect's body on a board or table with your feet higher in than the head, and his eyes closed. Then the suspects face flushing with water repeatedly dg particular technique. In psychologist suspects will feel himself drowning and choking due to a reaction that water was poured over his face. This method is very effective because of the vicarious trial thd CIA itself turns on average they only last for 14 seconds!

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