Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

13 Kinds of People Identification System

Every person born into this world has a unique course, there's nothing the same between one and the other. Each person has unique traits or attributes. Although born a twin, they still have differences.

Based on that fact, built a system that uses human characteristics or nature identical, ie biometrics system. So a person's body is also the password for that person.

Biometrics comprises methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more traits intrinsic physical or behavioral. In computer science, in particular, biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance.

There are different types of biometric systems are now available.

1. Introduction Fingerprint

The system includes a scanner hardware (scanners) and software. Devices that record specific characteristics of fingerprints, storing any user's data into a template. http://anehdidunia.blogspot.com
When the user tries again strengthen access, the software compares the data stored in the template and the reading of the fingerprint scanner. Fingerprint system is very accurate, but can be influenced by changes in the fingerprint. For example, burns, scars, dirt.

2. face Recognition

The introduction of the shape and position of a person's facial features is a complex task. At first, a camera captures an image of a face, and then sort out the software and further information patterns compare with user templates.

3. Introduction Retina or Iris

Perhaps most of all it is safe and the layers of the retina vessels behind the eye. Elusive and retinal images during data collection, users have to focus to a point and defend it. So the camera can capture images well.

Determination of the pattern of blood vessels. However, when the pattern is unique to each person, the identification becomes more kaurat. The system based on two parts of the eye, the iris and the retina, it is considered to offer the best level of security.

4. geometry Arm


With this system, users are directed by straightening his mark on the hardware arm readers (reader), capturing three-dimensional images of the fingers and bones, then store the data in a template. Arm geometry has been used a few years and used for security systems at the 1996 Olympic Games.

5. Finger geometry

The equipment is the same for geometry systems. Users put one or two fingers under a camera that captures the shape and length of the finger area and bones. The system captures a three dimensional image and match data with the stored template to determine the identity.

6. Introduction Palms

Same with fingerprint recognition, biometric palm focusing on the diverse arrangements. For example, parts and worthless edges found on the palm of the hand.

7. Voice Recognition

The method captures the voice of the speaker according to the properties of the language. Using primarily phone-based security application. Accuracy can be influenced by noise and the effect on the sound of illness or fatigue.

The real problem with speech recognition is the sound system can be fooled by the tape of a person's voice. For this reason, advanced sound system must be able to expand or extend the verification process by providing the words are more difficult and lengthy, read aloud, or ask for a different word that is read every time.

8. The introduction of Signature

Signature verification system requires one main, the public acceptance (public). In every respect of the declaration of independence to slip a credit card, people tend to accept a signature as proof of identity.

No matter how simple a signature, it is necessary to measure equipment, both traits that distinguish signatures and distinguishing features of the writing process signature. Traits that include pen pressure, speed and points when the pen is lifted from the paper. The patterns were captured through a specially designed pen or tablet (it could be both) and compared with the template patterns.

9. DNA

The use of DNA in biometrics technology is closely related to forensic activities. Its use is not the same as other biometrics, which is a relatively short time may give a decision. Therefore, the DNA biometrics should be performed in specialized laboratories by expert staff, then match and then be able to give a decision on the DNA examined.

10. Thermal Imaging

This is related to body temperature. System that uses thermal imaging to have a process similar to firing a beam into the body. Then, the computer captures a person's body heat and verify compliance with requirements.

11. Ear shape


Shape of the ear is one of the special characteristics of man. When viewed at a glance, every human ear is similar. However, when measured course with a difference.

12. Body Odor


Body odor developed a biometric system technology in accordance with the fact that humans have a distinctive body odor. However, several problems arise, because the smell of a person's relative body varies depending on the physiological circumstances. Body odor after exercise is different from the one after a shower. It was one of the obstacles. System-level validation is likely to be low, almost like a signature and voice recognition.

Today, the use of biometric identification equipment to the system more widely in the community. The introduction of biometrics systems is very important so that people can make appropriate use according to current circumstances.

movement of the human body during walking every person is unique. By studying it we could be making a sisem security room and recognize the person of him walking pattern, with artificial intelligence (AI) course.

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